The utilities must transform

Raising prices and privatising ownership is not enough to create a more efficient energy supply chain; the utilities have to rethink how they approach their way of doing business entirely If you live in Pakistan and have recently received your gas bill, I bet you are fuming (pun intended). Gas consumers have received their latest […]

Why overstaffing is not the biggest issue with our state-owned enterprises

….and how to fix it! In a recent conversation with a friend who used to work for a very large state-owned enterprise (SOE), I asked him an obvious question: how many redundant people does this company have and will the state let go of them to improve the organisation? Much to my surprise, his response […]

2020 – An obituary

As we say goodbye to the year, we will remember it mainly for the massive disruption it brought This is my last article for 2020 — and what an extraordinary year has it been. It came, it destroyed so much of what we knew and how we lived. Now it is going away with vaccines […]

Understanding Life..

Some treasures from my sister’s brave soul Self-help literature places a lot of emphasis on ‘finding your purpose’. The coronavirus pandemic recently snatched away my elder sister who was very dear and close to me. The tragedy leaves me looking at life through a very different lens. As I re-visit what Samina Saad stood for, […]

Think…if you want to make real money

Someone recently asked me if I make any money ! It was a strange question which left me searching for an answer. How does one make money, I wondered. If the question was about me getting paid to meet my expenses then I do get it and the response would be straightforward. But surely, that […]

What is work ?

I am often amazed watching people at their workplace. Most common, you would agree, is to see people with their heads almost buried inside computer screens in front of them. Unless they are computer programmers (who we can ignore for this discussion), they are emailing or browsing the internet and sometimes (rarely in my view) […]

Never stop learning!

If you have accomplished a lot in your life – in your career or otherwise – you may feel the pressure of becoming someone who is expected to have all the answers – about everything. Many of us fall into this trap and start believing that we actually possess more knowledge and are wiser than […]

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