Traditional banking globally is changing. Will Pakistani banks pay attention?

Banks ignore the rising trends against their traditional operating models at their peril I am amused to see the frequent advertisements showcasing one bank or the other winning awards like “Bank of the Year”. For one, it is rather well-known how underhanded means are used to win some of these accolades. And even if these […]

Pakistan’s hordes of unskilled IT labourers

Most of Pakistan’s IT exports are based on low-value IT related services. Investment in the right education can change that Why do all good things or potentially great things stray invariably towards mediocrity in the land of the pure? A lot is being made of the great potential for IT-related exports from Pakistan. It is […]

The Customer Service way towards success

Transforming the Customer Service Culture in your organisation is the surest way to increase revenues & profitability   Have you ever walked into a retail store and stood around looking for something but no one approached you and asked if you could be helped? Or you have experienced being put on hold for an eternity […]

Building Organisational Capability

Only a handful of businesses focus on human capability as a source of competitive advantage   In the fast-paced world of business, the ability to adapt, grow, and thrive is crucial. Any organization looking to do all of this needs its human capital to possess some unique skill or competence which will help differentiate it […]

Is the modern professional too busy to exercise?

The benefits of being physically active can be a boon to society and to individuals; so why do we not make more time for it? A friend of mine, who is several years younger, went for a regular medical check-up recently. He was told that he had blockages in two of his arteries and was […]

Why most board rooms at Pakistan Inc. are nothing more than a hoax

Why boards matter, and what can investors, companies, and the government do to fix them? In my career in the corporate sector and now as a strategy consultant I have often seen corporate boards of listed companies fail to do the right thing for the company, its customers, employees, and its wider stakeholders. I am […]

Why can’t we compete in global markets?

More than anything else, our main disadvantage is incompatible and poor management skills Why are Pakistani businesses unable to compete in the global markets? What is it that inhibits them from breaking through overseas? As our exports continue to decline, the commonly heard responses to these questions from the private sector are lack of government […]

The meaning of culture

Can developing admirable cultures be an opportunity for our organizations? “I came to see during my time at IBM that culture is not just one aspect of the game, it is the game. In the end, an organization is nothing more than the collective capacity of its people to create value.” These are strong words expressed by […]

“No, I don’t see myself in your seat in 5 years time”

Why the lustre of corporate life has waned and is it a good thing? Growing up in the 70s, whenever we were asked what we would like to do as an adult, the very obvious response would be to become an engineer or doctor or the more academically challenged ones like me would limit our […]

Islamabad blues: why capital calling is bad business

Having a strategy that relies on favours from the government is a recipe for disaster Has anyone ever taken the 7 am PIA flight from Karachi to Islamabad? If you have, you would see a line of businesspeople and corporate executives holding files (or laptop bags) boarding the plane. Rubbing their eyes and barely being […]

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